Camille looks off to the side, sheepishly. The other two look on, concerned. Eddy continues working on the raft, tightening a rope.
Eddy: Well, good call, then. Camille can come along. We'll have a better chance of getting there safely if we balance the raft. The rest of you can join if you shut up. Don't like you much, but I won't leave you here if you want out.
The raft bobs on the water as raindrops fall from the plants overhead.
Eddy (offscreen): There's no good future for you here anyway.
Camille puts one foot on the raft, stepping on board with a small splash.
Camille: ...Thank you. I promise I won't be a bother...
The dark-skinned boy steps onto the raft and settles.
Dark-skinned boy: I'll go too. Sorry about the stuff before.
Girl with seabitten ears (offscreen): Same. Get us out of here. This place stinks.
Eddy (offscreen): All righty. That's more like it.
They push off and the raft begins to move, heading out into the light beyond the canopy. Eddy stands holding the mast rope, while the others hold onto ropes tied to the logs.
Eddy: Here we go. Hang on tight and don't make sudden moves. I WILL kick you off if you act stupid.