A pale hand grabs a spyglass from a wooden countertop.
The four kids climb a mossy stone stair as rain beats down. They come to a lofty viewpoint above the trees. Eddy sits on the rock and looks out onto the horizon, as the other three look in the same direction.
Eddy: So that's definitely his house. But it's not the whole place... just a little shack behind it.
The spyglass view shows Cabana Morena silhouetted against grey clouds. A thick plume of smoke trails upward from Vanna's small lab.
Eddy: One boat there is his mom's. There's a coast guard boat too.
Dark-skinned boy (offscreen): They live outside of the road?
Eddy puts the spyglass down as the others chat.
Girl with seabitten ears: Yeah, like Eddy said... his mom's a WITCH.
Eddy looks down, a sad expression on his face.
Eddy grips the spyglass as the two keep talking. The dark-skinned boy smiles.
Dark-skinned boy: What if she did a ritual wrong, and it exploded in her face?
The girl with seabitten ears grimaces.
Girl with seabitten ears: Goddess... wonder what kind of MESS they found.