The front half of this chapter is so, SO crowd-heavy.
The back half is so light in comparison and I am very... very... ready...
And yes, I DO choose to do this to myself.
Caption: Later that evening
A candlelight procession makes its way through dozens of dark arches. Solemn faces are lit by flickering flames.
Several lines of mourners make their way through a park - umbrella pine trees and various monuments dot a dark green landscape. The pathways lead toward a large round building, sporting similar arches.
Caption: The Amphitheatron - The Ceremonial Arena
Within a colossal amphitheater, the thousands of mourners gather. Stairways lead down toward a round platform surrounded by a quiet pool of water. Several Saberfort soldiers stand guard around the edge of the platform. In the center is a wide, raised cylinder - grates line the bottom, and the top is one large grate. The light of candles and lanterns flickers everywhere, but everyone is quiet.