It's official now - I'll be attending three different conventions this upcoming spring! I'll be bringing books and other bits of merch to all of them - so drop on by if you can. And if you can't make it to any of them, I'll still make books available online afterward!
Upcoming Conventions in 2023:
Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC): March 2-5, Seattle WA
Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF): April 29-30, Toronto ON
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VanCAF): May 20-21, Vancouver BC
Heads up: next week will be the last new Phantomarine page for about a month. Book stuff is progressing super well, but I'm still aiming to take all of January off just in case of any hiccups. I'll be returning on or before February 3 2023 - depending on how smoothly things continue to go. Will keep in touch for sure~