Eddy listens as the other two keep chatting.
Dark-skinned boy: If Pavel's not back, I wonder if he exploded too...
Eddy begins to scrunch his face.
Girl with seabitten ears: What if she used him as a sacrifice?!
Eddy ducks his head with rage.
Eddy: You really don't get it, DO YOU?
The dark-skinned boy and the girl with the seabitten ears stop talking, looking up in fear. He clutches her arm.
Eddy (offscreen): Even if he's gone, Pavel had someone who LOVED him.
Eddy speaks strongly and seriously, head held down.
Eddy: She visited him so much... She brought him food... Sent him letters... Took him out for Fracture Day... She LOVED him.
Camille raises her scarf to her face in fear.
Eddy (offscreen): Even if he was going to cross someday, she treated him as if he was completely fine. That's not normal. Most of us get left here to rot. Because why not? We DO.
Eddy holds his knees to his chest as smoke billows far in the distance. The others watch in fear.
Eddy: Someone came back for him. No one is coming back for us.
He puts his head into his crossed arms. Rain beats down on him.
He looks up, tears in his eyes, determined.
Eddy: Whatever.
He begins to move forward, gritting his teeth as tears stream behind him.
Eddy: Today's the day. I'm out.