Eddy begins to run down the grassy slope, toward the trees. The three remaining kids reach to him, calling after him.
Dark-skinned boy: Wait, wha- Eddy?
Camille: EDDY! WAIT!!!
They begin running down after him.
Camille: What is he talking about?!
Dark-skinned boy: I think he's gonna swim out and end it all!
Girl with seabitten ears: Oh my gods Oh my gods OH MY GODS
Eddy slides down the wet rocks, his seabitten lower legs dragging along the rain-soaked stone.
He sprints down the hill into the dense jungle.
Kids (offscreen): EDDY! Don't do it!!!
Eddy pushes through the trees into the light, tears in his eyes.
Kids (offscreen): It's not worth it!
Eddy stops at the water's edge. Below him, tied up near the shore, is a log raft. A mast and sail are disassembled, resting on the tree trunks. A toolbox and a large backpack sit on either side. Four small revenite lanters are tied to each corner.